One of the fastest growing African-made chocolate has made shares available to the public for investment. Chocolaterie NOHI (Choco NOHI) in short is a Cameroonian company who’s vision is to bring the best of chocolate to Africa by transforming cocoa locally. As the Netflix docuseries Rotten says, “the long journey from [cocoa] bean to [chocolate] bar is packed with misery.” Farmers only get a small portion of the $100B that the chocolate industry represents. A lot of the cost is in the logistic of collecting, inspecting, transporting, warehousing for the western market.

Choco NOHI sees an opportunity here. Hyppolyte Nozawo, founder of Choco NOHI and participant of the TekZone Leadership Development program, says that their main goal is to eliminate most of this cost without compromising quality. His strategy has 2 main pillars:
- Work directly with the farmers – Choco NOHI works directly with farmers so the cocoa beans go straight from the tree to the factory. This gives him more control on the quality and gives farmers more for their cocoa beans.
- Focus on quality – Hippolyte wants Choco NOHI to provide the same quality chocolate consumers expect. To achieve this, Hippolyte hired Jean-Charles Bergeron, a French Chocolatier with over 40 years of experience.

Choco NOHI already has market presence in Cameroon with 3 product lines and more than 5000 customers and growing. Hippolyte wants to take this product to other countries in Africa and beyond where there is already demand.
Don’t miss the opportunity to get in early and secure a good return on your investment. Signup to become investor at www.invest.chocolaterienohi.com.

About TekZone
Africa is poised to become one of the world’s economic engines over the next 30 years. Our vision is to see Africa and the world transformed by technologies and solutions created by Africans. Our mission is to be a catalyst for this technological transformation by providing a complete ecosystem to acquire knowledge and skills, create solutions to local problems and build successful businesses. We achieve this mission through the following:
- TekZone Academy is the premier e-learning platform with project-centered courses.
- TekZone Leadership Development Program identifies and equips potential African leaders with the skills and connections to become trail blazers in schools, companies and as entrepreneurs.
- TekZone maintains an active network of partners comprised of mentors, sponsors, tech companies and investors.